The Woodlands



A town built by those seeking to study (and allegedly, pillage) Silver Empire age ruins in the nearby Eldwood. The town gets its name due to its proximity to the volcano of Belias’ Horn - whenever the horn erupts, it darkens the sky above it enough to cause several weeks of dim light in the town.
After acquiring the Dwarven OmKey, the party met Furnace here where they discovered the automaton had developed an antagonistic relationship with Master Cellini. Tortonymous rejected any attempt to reconcile with his father, and Furnace and the party departed for The Eldwood.
Tortonymous Bosch’s hometown, as well as his older brothers, the AMNT.


An Elven enclave built deep in the Silentwood. The Elves here seek to maintain the traditions and culture of their homeland across the great sea that even the oldest here can now only barely remember. These attitudes have led to a certain xenophobia that makes them hostile to strangers.

The Eldwood

A sprawling forest in the north west of the region that is riddled with ruins of the Silver Empire of Nerath. The nearby town of Duskbarrow was originally founded to provide a base for studying them.
Furnace discovered the entrance to The Long Road here, a metaphysical path the Silver Empire had built to invade the Hells. The party followed the road and were still unable to enter Hell, but recovered ancient Silver Empire mounts that qualified them as honourary Silver Knights. Unfortunately, they also released Tar Gorath who remains at large in the material plane.

The Grand Arena

Champions from the arenas throughout the Former Lands journey to the Grand Arena in the city of Victor’s Hollow to compete to become Grand Champions. Often veteran adventurers, these Grand Champions enjoy fame and fortune that are otherwise a rarity. The structure itself is a rarity, an ancient Silver Empire age marvel with a capacity of far more people than could ever fill it.

The Silentwood

A vast forest that divides The Woodlands from The Clifflands. It is strangely devoid of wildlife which spares it the attention of hunters for practical and superstitious reasons. The traditional Elven enclave of Edhelbar is built deep within the forest.

The party used this as a safe place to return to the north to avoid the eyes of the Ordo Sororal and the Army of Nerath. While passing through, they encountered Dwarves and Elves in conflict and had encounters with both races.

The party would later discover that the invading Dwarves had established an outpost here with a magical door that allowed for quick travel to and from The Clifflands.

Victors’ Hollow

The largest (and arguably the only) city in The Woodlands, Victors’ Hollow is defined by the Grand Arena, and the annual contests to crown Grand Champions. Aspirations to become gladiatorial fighters are by far the most common occupation, desire, and outright dream for the citizens.

The Party passed through here and encountered Shathur Blacklock with whom they parted amiably. They also made themselves known at the Sapphire Sword, an extremely high-end institution catering to the greatest of gladiators where proprietors Caine and Bertram assisted with examining Allinav’s Storm-cursed Greatsword.


Barely more than a series of docks coordinating with one another, Westport is one of the newest settlements in the Former Lands, built to accommodate traffic from The Domina Islands. Used to the risks of The Basin and the great sea, sailors have found the journey to the islands and back to be calm and easy, and so the town has attracted sailing enthusiasts as much as those looking for work.

Woodlands Arena

Every region has an arena that invites potential champions to battle for the amusement of the crowds. Generally these duels are not to the death, but accidents happen and sometimes grudges need settling. Gambling on these battles is one of the common pastimes of those who can afford it, and make it to the arenas safely.

Tortonymous successfully defeated Aurora Vasari here, taking one step closer to being the Grand Champion of the continent.