The Riverlands



Principally a farming village, its close proximity to the Rhiyo Caves means it often caters to travelling doctors and druids and others with an interest in herbology and nature.
Meltari’s hometown.

Rhiyo Caves

A cave system presumably carved out over time by the narrow streams that run through it. Something about the climate of the caves has led to an incredible number and variety of plant life growing in them, which makes it a goldmine for those searching for rare or useful plants and herbs.


Twin city to Riverford, with whom the citizens have a friendly if intense rivalry. Unique among almost the entirely of the Former Lands, travel between the two cities is common and safe thanks to efforts on both city’s part to keep monster life at bay. Riverbridge is known for the eponymous bridge that spans several of the region’s rivers that the city is built around.


Twin city to Riverbridge, with whom the citizens have a friendly if intense rivalry. Unique among almost the entirely of the Former Lands, travel between the two cities is common and safe thanks to efforts on both city’s part to keep monster life at bay. Riverford competes with Riverbridge’s bridge with its Grand Palace that houses its ruling counsel and serves as a community center for the populace.

Riverlands Arena

Every region has an arena that invites potential champions to battle for the amusement of the crowds. Generally these duels are not to the death, but accidents happen and sometimes grudges need settling. Gambling on these battles is one of the common pastimes of those who can afford it, and make it to the arenas safely.

Shrine of Pytho

An intricately carved structure of stone, marble, and gold on an island in one of the larger lakes in the region. Knowledge of its purpose has been lost to history.

The Murkwood

A dense forest bordering Riverbridge that must be passed through on the way to Riverford. Notable for being well patrolled and generally safe from monsters.